Results of G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting in Takasaki, Gunma

On April 29 and 30, 2023, the Digital Agency, Ministry for Internal Affairs and Communications ,and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry jointly held the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Meeting in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture.

This meeting is one of the relevant ministerial meetings of the G7 Hiroshima Summit to be held from May 19 to 21. In addition to the seven member countries of G7 and regions, invited countries and relevant international organizations participated in the meeting to discuss various issues in the digital economy.

As the outcome document, a Ministerial Declaration and Annexes were adopted.

The main points of "the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Declaration"

In this meeting, we discussed six political agendas
  1. "Facilitation of Cross-Border Data Flows and Data Free Flow with Trust"
  2. Secure and Resilient Digital Infrastructure"
  3. "Internet Governance"
  4. "Emerging and Disruptive Technologies in Innovating Society and Economy"
  5. "Responsible AI and Global AI Governance"
  6. "Digital Competition"

As a result of this meeting, "the G7 Digital and Tech Ministers' Declaration" was adopted.

Points of the Ministerial Declaration are as follows.
Facilitation of Cross-Border Data Flows and Data Free Flow with Trust
Endorsing the establishment of the Institutional and Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) and agreement on Annex on G7 Vision for Operationalising DFFT and its Priorities.

Secure and Resilient Digital Infrastructure
Endorsing the G7 Vision of the future network in the Beyond 5G/6G era, which include openness and interoperability as the elements, and the G7 Action Plan for Building a Secure and Resilient Digital Infrastructure.

Internet Governance
Endorsing the G7 Action Plan for an Open Free, Global, Interoperable, Reliable and Secure Internet.

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies in Innovating Society and Economy
Ensuring interoperability of digital infrastructures, cooperation on trust and security across the global value-chain including enhancing transparency of software components, and utilising innovation friendly governance (agile governance).

Responsible AI and Global AI Governance
Endorsing G7 Action Plan for promoting global interoperability between tools for trustworthy AI. Convening G7 discussions on generative AI.

Digital Competition
Agreeing to share issues and challenges in promoting digital competition such as those common to G7 members in planning and implementing existing and new laws and regulatory tools and to convene a digital competition summit in the fall of 2023.

Ministerial Declaration The G7 Digital and Tech Ministers’ Meeting
2023-05-01 12:08 International Organizations